Allergic Rhinitis

What is Allergic Rhinitis ?

The word “rhinitis” refers to inflammation of the nasal passages. This inflammation can cause a variety of annoying symptoms, including sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, runny nose, and postnasal drip (the sensation that mucus is draining from the sinuses down the back of the throat).

Brief episodes of rhinitis are usually caused by respiratory tract infections with viruses, such as the common cold. Allergic rhinitis is caused by allergies to things in the air around you. Chronic (long-term) rhinitis is usually caused by allergies, but it can also result from overuse of certain drugs, some medical conditions, and other unknown factors.

What causes Allergic Rhinitis ?

Allergic rhinitis is caused by a nasal reaction to small airborne particles called allergens (substances that provoke an allergic reaction). In some people, these particles also cause reactions in the lungs (asthma) and eyes (allergic conjunctivitis).

The allergic reaction results from activation of two types of inflammatory cells in the body called mast cells and basophils. These cells produce natural chemicals, such as histamine, which cause symptoms, such as nasal congestion, itching, sneezing, and a runny nose.

Seasonal versus perennial allergic rhinitis — Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal (occurring during specific seasons) or perennial (occurring year-round).

  1. The allergens that most commonly cause seasonal allergic rhinitis include pollens from trees, grasses, and weeds.
  2. The allergens that most commonly cause perennial allergic rhinitis are dust mites, cockroaches, animal dander, and fungi or molds. Perennial allergic rhinitis tends to be more difficult to treat.

Common signs & symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis vary from person to person. Although the term “rhinitis” refers only to the nasal symptoms, many people also have symptoms that affect the eyes, throat, and ears. Sleep may be disrupted as well. Symptoms may include the following:

  1. Nose – Watery nasal discharge, blocked nasal passages, sneezing, nasal itching, postnasal drip, loss of taste, facial pressure or pain
  2. Eyes – Itchy red eyes, a feeling of grittiness in the eyes, swelling and dark discoloration of the skin below the eyes (called “allergic shiners”)
  3. Throat and ears – Sore throat, hoarse voice, congestion or popping of the ears, itching of the throat or ears
  4. Sleep – Mouth breathing, frequent awakening, daytime fatigue, trouble doing normal activities

With perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis, the predominant symptoms include postnasal drip, persistent nasal congestion, and trouble sleeping.

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